Division of Campus Life
Undocumented, First-Generation College and Low-Income Student (U-FLi) Center


Every academic year, the U-FLi Center will recruit a cohort of 20 students from the incoming class of first-year students to participate in the Kessler Scholars Program.


The Kessler Scholars Program is open to incoming first-time first-year students. Applicants must be first-generation college students (the first in their family to pursue a four-year college degree). In addition to this criteria, the committee highly considers applicants who fall under the broader U-FLi umbrella: undocumented and/or low-income.

Selection Process

The program application focuses on self-reflection through an asset-based lens and asks students to reflect on their core values, their interests, and how these areas come together to shape the way they will navigate their experiences at Brown. The selection committee reviews the applications based on 4 core criteria and short answer reflection questions (max 250 words each):

  1. Self-Development: Our identities are an important aspect of how we relate to each other. Describe which identities are the most important to you. How do you hope to grow over the next year as it relates to your personal identities and lived experiences? (Example of identities: race, class, first-generation status, immigration status, international status, gender, sexuality, ability, etc.)
  2. Community Building: Who is your community and why are they important to you? What aspects of that community do you hope to find within this cohort? What do you hope to gain from being part of this cohort? 
  3. Social Change: What is a social change issue that you are passionate about and why is it significant to you? How do you currently and/or plan to engage with this issue/topic?
  4. Leadership: Kessler Scholars are encouraged to assume leadership roles within the U-FLi Center and the broader campus community. How do you envision your strengths and qualities informing your work as a leader in the Brown community?


If you have any questions, please contact Jay Salcedo, Kessler Scholars Program Manager.


May 15, 2025KSP Application Opens: A virtual info-session will take place for interested students to have an opportunity to ask questions
June 8, 2025KSP Application Closes
June 23, 2025Acceptance Notifications
June 26, 2025Deadline to Accept Invitation
June 27, 2025Waitlist Acceptance Notifications
June 30, 2025Waitlist Deadline to Accept Invitation
July 7 - 15, 2025Individual meetings with Program Staff (virtual)
Aug 14, 2025Virtual Cohort Meeting
Aug 25, 2025Kessler Scholars Move-In and Welcome Dinner
August 26-27, 2025KSP Retreat

Learn More About The Kessler Scholars Program

The Kessler Scholars Program at Brown empowers U-FLi students to succeed and become leaders within their communities.
Learn about the yearly commitments of Kessler Scholars broken down by year.